Make it Open project -Scientix


Make it Open is an EU funded project carried out by EUN together with six other consortium partners, which aims to place schools at the centre of local communities while fostering students’ 21st century skills. The goal of Make it Open is to develop a sustainable infrastructure of Open Schooling in Europe and support schools and local communities to develop new partnerships around science learning.

More about the project and country specific information can be found here:

Have a look at the opportunities available for you and your colleagues in your country, become familiar with Open Schooling and Maker Education, and get support to develop your own Open Schooling activity.

If you have any issues opening the link, please check your downloads folder or paste the link in another browser.

Kind regards,

Ivana on behalf of the Scientix team

Scientix team  
Science Education Department
European Schoolnet (EUN Partnership AISBL)
Rue de Trèves 61, B-1040 Brussels

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